Kabaddi game history

November 20, 2021
history of kabaddi

It is believed that the kabaddi game originated 4000 years ago in Tamilnadu. But there is controversy regarding the birth of this game. Many believed that 5000 years ago, the game took birth in Iran. The first kabaddi game took place in the Beijing Asian Games in 1990.

The women’s kabaddi was introduced in the Asian Games in the year of 2010. India won the gold medal in this game. The many renowned professional players are awarded the coveted Arjun award.

Despite this, kabaddi never became famous like cricket in India in the 90’s century. But before that time, the players in the 80’s played this game with their skill, fitness, and strategy.

The first Asian championship was held in Hyderabad. India became the winner. The 1st world cup was organized in Mumbai in the year 2004. India became the winner by defeating Iran.

Who is the father of kabaddi:Janardh sn Singh Gehlot

It is believed that Janardhan Singh Gehlot is the father of kabaddi. He was the president of the International kabaddi Association for twenty-eight years. It was said that Anup Kumar is the God of kabaddi.

How the game is played by the players:

Kabaddi is a game where two teams play against each other. Every team has seven players. The game lasts for 40 minutes.

The main concept of the game is that the player has to score points going to the opponent’s court. The game is played in this way that the players have to get points by raiding into the opponent’s court and touching the opposite team players as much as possible.

The player who enters the opponent’s court has to utter the word ‘kabaddi kabaddi’ repeatedly until he comes back safely to his court.

The defensive players are referred to as Antis and the attacking players are referred to as raiders. If the defensive player is touched by the attacking player, he is declared out if he cannot return to his court before being caught by the defensive players.

The recognition of the kabaddi game:

Kabaddi got international recognition in the year 1936 in the Berlin Olympics. This game got an entry in the second Asian indoor game which was held in Macau in the year 2007. In this game, India became the winner. The kabaddi men and women got a place at the same time in the 1st Asian beach games. Indonesia became the host country.

In this also India gave another reason to the Indians for winning both games.  For the first time, the 15Th Asian games gave an excellent opportunity to show the kabaddi to the Europeans, Australians.

At this time the kabaddi game got a separate indoor stadium for the first time in the year 2006. This game earned popularity in Japan holding the hand of Indian citizen Sundar Ram Rao in the year 1979.

The regional names of kabaddi:regions

This game got different names based on regions. It got the name Bhavatik in the Maldives, kabaddi in Karnataka, ha-du-du in Bangladesh, and many others.
